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Vim mode in VS Code

Vim modes and keys are effective at line of plain text editing. Use Vim extension in VS Code to edit in the same way.

JavaScript Test Tasks

I've solved 3 pure test tasks in JavaScript for simple test few days ago. See the code.

JS1024 2020 Schulte Tables

I took a part in JS1024 contest several weeks ago. The goal is to implement some JavaScript application in 1kB.

Lazydocker is a handy Docker tool

In Linux I use ZSH + plugins. There are cool aliases for handling Docker images and containers. Try Lazydocker console tool for new experience.

Best JavaScript minifier

Any front-end code should be provided for the browser in the compact (minified) form. Uglifyjs3 .

Exclude in Babel

I build complicated application by webpack+babel. It's important to exclude third party libraries loaded from node_modules.

Tabs in Vim editor

I use vi/vim text editor for 30+ years, but only now found for myself Tabs as a its feature.

UML diagrams in GitLab

I like UML visual style to explain ideas. As I use GitLab, there is the best approach to have UML diagrams as a tool.

Enums in JavaScript

There is built-in enums in JavaScript. There is the best approach to define and use enums in JavaScript.